I only update this blog on Friday or whenever I feel like writing. I do not like talking much to anyone, but I like to speak on my own to express my dissatisfaction to someone, I do not like to smile to someone, but that does not mean I am arrogant, I do not like people who think themselves good because they are not even good at all in my eyes , I do not like the stingy, I do not like people who think themselves beautiful, I hate friends who backstabbers, I do not like it when someone told me to do something .. It was so hard to have a faithful friend to the end of our life. Sometimes these things frightened me off to make new friends. Besides, I do not mind it at all because i has nothing to do with it.
I love to make things work without instructions. That is the way to deal with me. I am very difficult to adapt to new environments and people. This is my weakness since my school days. I am very quiet and only close to few friends only. I really love to make joke, but only selected people who understand my jokes. Those who have chemistry with me. Sometimes I like to look at the petty things too serious and the matter for serious matters, I like to look at it as the petty things. I do not like to be forced to complete the work because my mind can not think when I was in a state of depression. It would be very happy if our daily life is full of peace without the daily rush. How good is it if the world inhabited by people who have a heart of gold and without envy. Caolo betee~

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sort of....

Hari ini aku rasa mcm2...jiwa kosong, bosan, fikiran melayang, malas, rindu, confused...dan byk lagi la...

Baru balik dr office retreat semalam dekat sematan palm beach resort. While him was far away from me..he was currently at Betong & Sibu this whole week. Boring nyeeee...i miss u babe!!

Kerja kt ofis tersangatlah malas nak dibuat. This afternoon i was picking up my friend at the airport. Wish that we can go out watch the movie tp xjadi pulak coz one of my friend nak ekot tp she can only out by tomorrow nite. So terpaksa la tukar plan...hmmm..boringgg...

What shud i do tonite?...damn bored...watch dvds?watch movies alone?window shopping?..dont know why im felt damn bored today..lalalalallaaa...